MAZE General Supplies (MGS) Website Design

At Kuare ICT Solutions, we enjoyed designing and developing a dynamic and user-centric website for MAZE General Supplies (MGS). Our project, completed in May 2023, involved comprehensive research, design, development, and testing stages.


  1. Understanding the Client: Our first step was deeply understanding MGS's business objectives, target audience, and brand ethos. We also analyzed their competition to position them uniquely in the market.
  2. Information Architecture: We established a site structure that ensured easy navigation and clear user pathways. Each page was designed with a specific purpose in mind, enhancing the user experience and engagement.
  3. UI/UX Design: We created wireframes and then developed them into polished UI designs, maintaining consistency with MGS's brand identity. Our design focused on user-centric principles, aiming for a clean, modern design that is visually pleasing and easy to navigate.
  4. Website Development: We moved to the development phase after the designs were approved. We built the site using robust and secure technologies, ensuring it was responsive and compatible across different devices and browsers.
  5. Quality Assurance & Testing: Rigorous testing was conducted to ensure optimal performance, speed, and responsiveness of the site. We tested on various platforms, devices, and under different user conditions to ensure a flawless experience.
  6. Launch & Maintenance: After successfully completing testing, we launched the MGS website. We also provide ongoing maintenance and support, ensuring the website remains updated and delivers an excellent user experience.


This project was an excellent opportunity to use our skills to create a valuable digital asset for MGS. It reaffirms our commitment to delivering high-quality, user-friendly web solutions for our clients.